We provide unparalleled service and technical support for your home or business computer systems, as well as tutor, fix, and plain explain these interesting little machines. We can build and maintain single computers or networks, and are familiar with both Windows and Macintosh systems.
We can consult with you about new or existing systems, and help stretch your computer-aimed dollar to its best effect. We’ll optimize your system so it runs better. We’ll scan it for viruses, spyware, and any other little malignancies that prevent your system from running as fast as it could. We’ll help you learn some of the tricks that can make the computing world a little easier to navigate, and a little more fun, to boot. (Get it? To Boot?? Computer puns! Gotta love ’em!) Heck, we may even help you learn to actually use a computer to improve efficiency. (Whomever could have dreamt of such a thing?!?!)
Q & A, Inc has an office location on Lalo Street in kahului, just off Alamaha. We can get you set up with antivirus and computer defenses, plus show how many common programs work together.